Annual Report Awards
The Annual Report Awards for Northern Territory Government agencies have been running for more than 20 years and recognise excellence in reporting, disclosure, accountability and corporate governance.
Initially organised by the Northern Territory Public Accounts Committee before transferring to IPAA NT in 2005/6, the Annual Report Awards are sponsored in the Northern Territory by Deloitte accounting firm. The judging panel involves IPAA, Deloitte, CPA Australia, Charles Darwin University and the Auditor General, with awards presented in the categories of Presentation; Corporate Governance; Performance Reporting; HR Accountability and Financial Reporting. The Awards are presented by the Chair of the Public Accounts Committee at a cocktail function in Darwin.
2013/2014 Awards
Best Presentation and Readability
It is not easy to present serious and complex material in a readable and presentable way, but this annual report manages to provide detailed information with an appropriate amount of charts and pictures in support. This report is concise and well-structured and provides the reader with easy access to important details while also celebrating the culture and successes of the department.
The winner is NT Police, Fire and Emergency Services
Best Reporting of Corporate Governance
The back-to-back winner of this award has again demonstrated the sound corporate governance environment in the agency, structured around a strong governance framework and supported by appropriate control mechanisms. Once again the strategic business risk and risk mitigation responses were particularly well presented as were the Department’s efficiency measures, systems and projects and internal controls.
The winner is Department of Lands, Planning and the Environment
Best Reporting of Performance
Quality performance reporting requires clear presentation of objectives and goals that have been set and progress made in achievement of these goals. This report has been assessed as providing the best picture of achievement of these organisational goals, including clear reporting of performance trends.
The winner is The Department of Correctional Services
Best Human Resource Reporting
This annual report celebrates the importance of the people who work in the organisation and demonstrates a strong commitment to their health and safety and to their professional development.
The winner is Darwin Port Corporation
Best Sustainability Reporting
Organisational social responsibility has become a significant business responsibility in both the private sector and the public sector but agencies still have a way to go in reporting how their agencies are contributing to their stakeholders and to the community. This annual report demonstrates an organisation that takes their social responsibilities seriously, both through their business activities.
The winner is Darwin Port Corporation
Best Financial Reporting
Financial reports in the annual report are about providing concise and clear information that will allow non-accountant readers of the report make sense of the money story. This department is well versed in painting the money story and has demonstrated that ability in their annual report.
The winner is Department of Treasury and Finance
Overall Best Report
This annual report rated number first or second in a range of award categories and is a deserved winner of the overall best report. The Department is far removed from the delivery of glamorous business for the government but the report provides a positive human face to a difficult business and demonstrates a commitment to their people and to achieving successful outcomes for government.
The winner is Department of Correctional Services